The Plan for Search

Felissa waved goodbye at her parents, who were riding a carriage to go back in the Midnight pack.

"How are you feeling, Lady Felissa?" Vicenzo asked in concern. He didn't know what had happened and was concerned about Felissa's well-being.

"I'm alright, for now," Felissa replied with a tight smile. She was delighted that her parents didn't push further on her marriage with Fabio. Still, she was certain it wouldn't take long for them to convince her again of another possible political marriage.

"I'm glad," Vicenzo stated out of nowhere and sighed in relief. Out of his usual cold character, Felissa was surprised at his reaction.

"Huh," Felissa opened her mouth to speak, but Rosina's voice was heard in the area.

"Lady Felissa," Rosina called out and walked toward Felissa. Beside her were Fina and Silvio to assist her needs.