The Release Behind the Tree

After an hour, everyone settled on their horses, carts and carriages. Only Rosina was outside and was talking to Draco, who would stay behind in the Palace.

Felissa was leaning against the window and looked at Rosina's smile. She tried copying it since it looked good but she couldn't follow.

After all, Felissa always had a hard time duplicating any genuine moves.

"How lovely," Felissa commented with a pout. After knowing Rosina for quite a time. She couldn't help but admire her, especially the changes in her actions and aura.

As Felissa continued admiring, someone blocked her view and ruined her moment. She looked up in a glare and saw Vicenzo looking down at her.

"Is there something wrong, Sir Vicenzo?" Felissa asked with a forced smile. She sat up straight and crossed her arms.