The Skeleton Head

Felissa began to tremble from the presence of another man that arrived. She could feel his dominance radiating, which led her not to look up. She hugged Snow tightly and went to the corner to avoid any confrontation from them while thinking of an escape plan.

"Ah! Where have you been? We are waiting for you!" the man that held Felissa's puppy laughed and walked forward.

"Lady Cinzia's quarters have been moved to a new place, and we don't know where it is," the man explained in a low, deep tone. 

Felissa's eyes widened since the voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't think where she had heard that voice.

"Hah! Isn't that your job? You failed a simple task!"

Felissa flinched when the man screamed. She wanted to get away from them. Snow began to bark loudly, but her tail was behind her leg.

"Why is the Lady in here?" 

Felissa froze since their attention went back to her.

"My men saw her hiding behind the pillar."