The Bitter Taste

Felissa looked at her hand while remembering the spark she felt with the grey-haired man. She yearned to feel it again, and her wolf agreed with her.

"You seem to have a lot of thoughts," Rosina stated after observing Felissa daydreaming in front of her food.

"Ah! I'm sorry. I just remembered something, haha," Felissa replied awkwardly and ate a slice of meat.

"Hmm, do you want to share it with me?" Rosina asked with interest, but she already knew what was bugging Felissa's mind.

Felissa was hesitant. She looked around at the wolves surrounding them. 

Vicenzo and Silvio were there to guard the place while Fina and Idola served the food to their masters. The four of them were the only ones in the dining.

Rosina tilted her head when she realized Felissa didn't want to say what was on her mind with the wolves around her. So she opened the mind link between them.