The Pawn

Felissa came back into her room with a long face. She jumped back into her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Another attack… They can't just give up," Felissa muttered with a long sigh of defeat. She wanted to talk to Vicenzo about his reason for joining the enemy's side, but she was still not ready to face him yet.

Felissa sat up and looked at Snow wagging its tail.

"Aww, Snow, come here," Felissa stated cheerfully and gestured for Snow to come forward, which the dog obeyed.

"You're so sweet! Are you hungry? I'll get you some food," Felissa added before standing up and planning to go to the kitchen, but when she opened the door. An unknown servant was standing outside.

"Hello, are you Lady Felissa?" the servant stated lowly. Her face wasn't shown since a cloth was draped over her head.