The Surrender and Freedom

Everyone remained silent since their mission was finally over. Caj had Cinzia on his back.

"Now, give me, Lady Felissa," Rosina stated and opened her palms toward Caj, whose eyes were struck into his sister.

"No, I will give Lady Felissa to you in exchange for my sister," Caj stated firmly. 

"Ah, that seems unfair on my side," Rosina giggled and looked at Caj with disappointment.

"Lady Felissa is important to you, correct? Then her value is doubled. Now, give me my sister," Caj demanded. He was trying his best to get the best possible outcome for him.

"I give up then," Rosina raised both hands in surrender, making Trice's body fall to the ground.

"Trice!" Caj shouted and was about to run toward his sister when a loud growl echoed in the forest.

A gigantic wolf emerged from the bush and sprinted faster than the wind toward them. The wolf had long grey fur that glided in the air. It tackled the other wolves nearby to get closer to Caj.