The Desire of His Manho0d

Renata paused for a few seconds while staring at her daughter. She felt that Felissa was a different person based on how she spoke and the tone of her voice every time she talked. 

"How dare you accuse me!? I am your mother!" Renata shouted defensively and looked at her husband. "Say something!" she said aggressively. 

Aroldo sighed and stood up without any problem. He looked into Felissa's eyes and saw the pain in them. "My dear, please go to your room, and we will discuss this. It's embarrassing for Lord Fabio…" he whispered, hoping Felissa would comply.

Felissa's gasped in disbelief and stared at Fabio, who was looking away from the drama. Although his face showed that he enjoyed it.

"I can't believe all of you," Felissa replied, grabbing Vicenzo's hand and dragging him outside.

"Don't come with him!" Renata shouted and was about to pull her daughter's arm, but Felissa swatted her away.