The Barrier

Felicia was baffled at what had happened, but simultaneously, amazement swarmed her heart. 

"This is finally it!" Felicia exclaimed and grasped the pendant tightly. She felt that she was saved from her troubles of going to the Mystic pack. 

But Felicia's smile vanished. 

"But, how did I activate the power?" Felicia stated and sat back on the ground. She tried to remember what had happened before, and all her memory served her was she had gotten a wound. 

With a furrowed eyebrow, Felicia bit her nail, making a wound deep enough to draw blood. She winched in pain and squeezed more blood out of her finger before putting it on the pendant.

"What now?" Felicia asked since nothing had happened. 

"I- uhh, back to the house!" Felicia stated, but nothing had changed. She became frustrated while staring at the pendant intently. She sighed deeply before closing her eyes and thought about her room.