The Canvas

Felicia looked at the canvas in front of her. Her hands started picking out the brush and dipping it in her chosen paint. 

Time passed by as Felicia let her body and mind get consumed by the art she was making. The door was locked, and she had been in her room for almost hours and wasn't leaving until she was done. 

Idola served food by the door since she was not allowed to go inside, while Vinicio stayed outside to guard the place.

"Almost… done!" Felicia muttered roughly as her throat was dry from lack of water. She didn't know how long it had been since she started painting the place that Vinicio described to her.

Vinicio had told Felicia about the Mystic pack house and the surrounding forest. 

Felicia highlighted the back forest after concluding that Vinicio's mother was staying there. She placed the brush on the table with trembling hands and gazed at the canvas.