The Pit

Felicia stared at her soft hands and the dirty sheets in front of her. She had never touched laundry before and didn't know how to do it. Her eyes glanced at Piku and followed her movement to blend in.

"What do you want to talk about?" Piku asked with a smile, but her eyes remained on the sheets.

Felicia pursed her lips and wanted to ask what had happened in the Mystic pack, but if she did, it would make her suspicious. "Hmm, I just want to know your opinion about our pack," she asked timidly.

Piku stopped scrubbing briefly as her face changed to dread, but she immediately hid it with a smile. "Ah! Our pack is the next one after Sabrecrown. No matter what happens, I will stay here," she replied.

Felicia noticed that Piku looked forced to say those words, but she didn't argue back. "I see," she stated with a nod.

"Nonsense!" Paku shouted with her hands placed on her hips. She looked at her twin sister with disgust and glanced at Felicia.