The Scent of Death

Felicia glanced over to the side where Paku was busy scrubbing the floor. They were in Cinzia's room after they were called to clean the mess. There were tons of broken glasses and ceramic items scattered around the floor. 

'I wonder what happened here,' Felicia thought. She turned around the corner and saw a  stain on the white tile. She used her cloth to wipe it clean and noticed the odd texture. The dried pigment coated her wet cloth in red. 

Felicia's eyes widened as she stared at it, but she didn't say a word since Cinzia stared intently at them. She acted as if she saw nothing and continued her job. She was more worried about Paku instead.

The pressure inside the room was awkward and suffocating. Cinzia sipped her tea and glanced at Paku; she knew Piku was Paku's twin but was far more beautiful.

Piku and Paku shared the same hair and eye colour, brunette. The difference between them was that Paku looked more muscular while Piku was feminine.