The Emerald Ring

In the darkness of space, not a single soul was around but a tiny darkened orb floating like a speck of dust. It looked lifeless and worthless, but then the area shook, and a faint light appeared.

The light floated around the rob and consumed it whole, combining their bodies into one.

"Ack!" Felissa woke up with a pain in her chest. She grasped her clothes while taking deep breaths since she felt that she had drowned and needed oxygen.

"Lady! She's awake!" a Theta informed and several of them rushed toward Felissa and did some tests to make sure that she was alright. After everything was done, she was left alone for additional rest before she was released.

"Ugh, what happened?" Felissa muttered while rubbing her head. She felt uncomfortable and thought someone hit her with a bat. She stared at the ceiling and tried to recall her last memory, and Rosina's face immediately appeared.