The Mate

"AH! We're all going to die!" a participant screamed in terror upon arriving at the place. 

No sane person would think that was just a typical forest. Everyone felt the creepy, eerie lingering around and how an abandoned building stood tall.

"You're such a wimp," Guff chuckled cheerfully. He felt the bizarre aura in the place, but he was rather excited to explore. 

"N-no! I have a family…" the participant whispered and started calculating the pros and cons of continuing the Trial. 

Felissa looked at him with pity. She had expected several participants to withdraw for their safety and wasn't mad about it. 

"For anyone that feared the next Trial. You may withdraw from participating," Felissa explained with a smile and watched them become hesitant. 

"Hah! That's better, Luna! Less competition for me," Guff shouted and swung his axe confidently.