The Other Half

Felissa sighed deeply before slumping on the bed. Her body's energy was sucked from the events that happened that day, and she wanted to rest.

"Ah, I'm so tired," Felissa stated, closing her eyes. She curled like a child and snuggled on the pillow.

"Well, all our problems regarding the Pack's position are done. We can take it slow this time," Vicenzo muttered while removing his clothes and planning to bathe. He was sweaty from the tests.

"Indeed," Felissa replied, opening her eyes to see Vicenzo's bare chest. "Kyah! Put some clothes on!" she exclaimed and turned around in shame.

"Haha! I'm your mate. You're free to look," Vicenzo laughed in amusement at how Felissa reacted. He remembered how bold his mate was before, but now, she's back to being shy.