The Pancake

The night came, and Gastone was resting in his chamber. He stared at the door connecting to Lucia's room. Somehow, he felt uncomfortable knowing he could go to her anytime. 

Gastone stood up and carefully put a chair on the door since he gave the key to Lucia. He wanted her to choose if she desired to lock the door or not. That action took Gastone 30 minutes since he was weighing if it was the best thing he could do to his mate.

The full moon shone brightly in the clear sky and looked peaceful to look at. 

After a while, Gastone could sleep through the night. Lucia, on the other hand, remained awake. 

"Ugh," Lucia groaned while tossing around to be comfortable, but the new place made her uneasy. She sat up and went to the window, opening it to let the fresh air in. 

The heavy pressure bubbled inside Lucia's stomach, making her feel sick.