The Laugh

Gastone fluttered his eyes as the sun's heat forced him to wake up. He groaned and felt abdominal pain as soon as he moved. 

"Ugh!" Gastone groaned and slowly sat up. He noticed the blanket covering his body, but most of all, Lucia was sleeping beside him.

Lucia was leaning on the sofa where Gastone slept. She had waited for hours until she felt tired and fell asleep.

Gastone couldn't help but smile. His hand reached to tuck the loose strand of Lucia's hair, but he stopped an inch apart. He retracted his hand and stood up.

'Ah, I don't want her to think I'm a creep,' Gastone thought before putting the blanket over Lucia. He wanted to put her on the sofa, but he didn't want to touch her. 

Gastone proceeded to his room and wrote a letter to Draco about his situation. He laughed at himself after noticing that Draco got him right to his weakness.