The Painful Milk

Lucia kept walking back and forth while in deep thought. She didn't want to leave that place yet since she was not financially ready. 

'Should I seduce Sir Gastone to let me stay here?' Lucia thought since she had done it before to take advantage of lustrous men.

On the other hand, Gastone was standing by Lucia's door while contemplating what to say. A part of him wanted to know how many men Lucia tasted, but another side told him to stop thinking about it. 

"What should I do?" Gastone muttered lowly and brushed his hair in frustration. It has been several minutes since he stood there. 

Gastone's hand shakily reached for the knob, but before he could touch it. The door opened and revealed Lucia's horrified expression. 

"S-sir!" Lucia screamed and stepped back since their distance was too close. That caused her to trip on her own foot and fall backwards.