The Bird Is Free From The Cage

The next day, Gastone received a reply from Draco. He was expecting it, but his heart was in pain that it would finally come to an end. 

As Gastone opened the letter. It was a blank space with a single word written in the middle.

[ NO! ]

Gastone's mouth hung open in shock at how Draco communicated with him. 

"What is he? A child?" Gastone gasped before crumpling the paper. He was about to throw the envelope when another piece of paper fell down, and he wasn't even surprised. He took the form and read its content.

"I am busy. Will bring you to my attention in the next three days," Gastone muttered in disbelief. 

"Three days!? How can I even say it to her!" Gastone shouted in stress while massaging his head. He worried Lucia would overreact and run away instead of waiting.