The Time She Lifted Her Skirt

Lucia thought about what Navin had said to her. Somehow, she never considered her own feelings for Gastone as she focused more on the attention he gave her.

"Do I like him?" Lucia asked herself while biting her nails. She was chopping mushrooms as their ingredient for Dinner. She hadn't seen Gastone after what happened in the bathroom, which worried her.

"I mean... He is not that bad, but not good too!" Lucia exclaimed while rolling her eyes. She continued chopping and didn't notice that Gastone was standing behind her.

"Who will even like him!? Not me!" Lucia shouted and aggressively slammed the knife on the chopping board. Somehow, she became angry for no reason as she couldn't understand her emotions. 

Gastone remained silent. His shoulders slumped as his energy suddenly depleted. He knew Lucia disliked him, but coming from her mouth broke him.