The Three Fingers In My Cl1t

Lucia stared at herself in the mirror. She wore the nightgown and adored how it felt on her skin. 

"Ah, I feel like a bunch of feathers is hugging me tight," Lucia whispered while touching the fabric. Her cheeks turned red while imagining Gastone taking it off her body. 

"Stop it!" Lucia slapped her cheeks as hard as she could to wake up from her daydream. 

Lucia took a deep breath and made several expressions while rating her reflection. She wanted to make sure that she was perfect upon sucking Gastone.

"I'm flawless! I should show him what I can do," Lucia stated confidently. With one last look, she went out of her room and knocked into Gastone's.

Lucia's heartbeat fastened. She became nervous, although she had done it with other people before. She waited for a few seconds before the door opened. 

Gastone stared at Lucia with a wry smile. He stepped on the side and let her in.