The Mate He Never Have

The following day came. Lucia went down with heavy black bags under her eyes. She couldn't sleep after seeing the majestic wolf that night. She even thought it was only her dream. 

"Good morning," Lucia greeted Gastone, who was frying some eggs for their breakfast. 

"Morning," Gastone replied and faced Lucia. He, too, had eye bags. 

"You look tired," Lucia muttered after noticing Gastone's drooped face.

"Ah, I slept late," Gastone explained before pushing a plate to Lucia that contained the food he cooked. 

"Thank you," Lucia replied. She didn't have an appetite, but she would eat not to waste Gastone's efforts. "I'm supposed to be the one cooking… since you hired me," she added. 

"Hmm," Gastone hummed. He didn't care about it anymore since he only wanted to eat good food and not die due to Lucia's cooking.