The Nice Family

Lucia dragged Josette to their backyard. She stopped and stared at her in disbelief. 

"Don't worry. My brother knows I'm into that kind of novel," Josette shrugged as if it was nothing. She has many similar novels, and they didn't care about her collection. 

"But do they know its content?" Lucia asked with a raised eyebrow, making Josette pursed her lips. 

"N-no…." Josette looked down in shame.

"Hmm," Lucia hummed. She wasn't even surprised that Josette kept it hidden or else her books would be confiscated. "Well, your secret is safe with me, but this one needs to be locked up or at least cover the title," she added. 

Lucia returned the book to Josette even though she wanted to read it. 

"Okay!" Josette exclaimed and put it under her skirt.

Both ladies stared at one another, observing their features. 

"You're pretty. Are you my brother's girlfriend?" Josette asked with a teasing look.