The Search for Her

Gastone walked toward the clearing where he had last seen Lucia. He sighed and looked around him, remembering the place. 

"My Lord, why don't you leave in the morning?" Jorge said. He was worried that Gastone would find it hard since it was night. 

"There are many eyes when the sun is lit," Gastone replied. He smiled and patted Jorge on the shoulder. 

"Don't worry about me. Focus on yourself and the decisions you need to make," Gastone encouraged. He knew Jorge would have difficulty since it involved his friend and mate. 

"I will try…" Jorge paused and sighed deeply. He didn't know what to do at the moment and would like to be left alone for a while. 

Gastone smiled. He grabbed his bags and went deeper into the forest. His figure slowly blended into the darkness as he licked the rose pendant and opened the portal. He went through it immediately without wasting time.