The Covers

Lucia blinked a couple of times before she sat up and looked at the window, where the moon hid behind the thick, grey clouds. 

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily," Lucia muttered. She left her bed and opened her window, which had a balcony. 

"Ah, it's cold!" Lucia shivered and grabbed a blanket, covering her body while enjoying the chill. She sat on the chair and watched the gloomy environment. Somehow, it gave her peace. 

Lucia thought about Gastone and what he had been doing while she was gone. 

"Did he already move on? Does he have a lover now?" Lucia muttered. She bit her lips and slapped both of her cheeks. "Ah! Don't think about him!" she exclaimed. 

Lucia pouted and leaned back while stretching her body. She looked afar and wondered where was Misis Belo's house.