The Unexpected Dinner

Lucia pulled Joseph into an alley where there were less people around. She pushed him against the walls and put both hands on either side of his body. 

"Listen carefully, Joseph," Lucia glared at him and made sure they made eye contact. 

"Okay, you're freaking me out right now," Joseph frowned and tried his best to maintain a certain distance between them. 

"Well, I am getting interested in the Turizer farm. Do you know anything about them?" Lucia asked while squinting her eyes, intently watching if Joseph would lie in her face. 

"The Turizer farm? Why are you interested to know about them?" Joseph raised an eyebrow. He crossed his arms and waited for Lucia's reply before saying anything. 

"I have my own reasons, and you don't need to know them," Lucia replied sternly. All she wanted was for Joseph to spill everything without her giving information.