The Garden Restaurant

Saturday came, and Lucia stared at her reflection. She was fully dressed, and her attire showed she had prepared for that day. 

Lucia's hand went down and patted her thighs, which contained her knife in case she needed to save herself. 

"This is it," Lucia whispered and breathed out her nervousness. She left her room and decided to wait for Daniel in her store. 

Lucia gripped her bag while waiting. She was nervous and hoped everything would go well without hindrance. 

A few minutes passed by, and a fancy car stopped by. Base opened the door for Daniel, who wore a fancy tuxedo. 

"Ugh, does he have no hands?" Lucia muttered to herself in disapproval. She shook her head and patted her cheeks to get ready. She forced a genuine smile on her face as she greeted Daniel. 

"Good evening, you look beautiful tonight," Daniel stated after seeing what Lucia wore.