The Nugget Street

Lucia was pacing back and forth in her own room and biting her nails. She had contemplated going to Nugget Street or ignoring Joseph's words. 

"Ugh! Why is he even bothering me so much!?" Lucia screamed in frustration. She couldn't understand why Joseph had become unbearable as she had considered him a kind man before. 

Lucia clenched her fists, her inner turmoil palpable. "Why can't he just leave me alone?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation. 

Lucia collapsed onto her bed, running her hands through her hair in frustration. Despite her efforts to find clarity, the mystery surrounding Joseph's motives persisted. 

Then, Lucia's mind drifted to her plans with Gastone. She would go to his restaurant immediately if she could, but Joseph intervened with her goal. 

"If only I can kill— Ah!" Lucia sat up and slapped her cheeks from thinking something gruesome. "I should only kill if its necessary."