The One In Love

Gastone turned to the right to where Lucia's street was located. He pulled to the entrance of her flower shop and waited until she was ready to leave.

"Are you okay?" Gastone asked upon seeing how pale Lucia was. 

"Y-yes," Lucia replied with a heavy sigh. She wanted to stay beside Gastone for long since that helped her forget her problems. 

Gastone smiled. "If you need me, you'll know where to find me," he stated to assure Lucia that he would be there for her. 

"Okay," Lucia giggled cutely. She felt good that someone out there was on her side. 

As Lucia reached toward the door, Gastone stopped her. He touched her hand softly to indicate his intentions. 

"Wait here," Gastone whispered before getting out of his car and went to Lucia's side, opening the door for her. 

Lucia raised an eyebrow at Gastone's soft gesture toward her. She got out of the car and shyly faced him. "Thank you for today," she muttered.