The Meet Up

Lucia acted surprised and hurriedly went beside Missus Belo and offered a kiss on her cheek. 

"Missus Belo! Oh gosh! I missed you," Lucia exclaimed with delight as she showed her best smile. She gave a light hug after the kiss and stood one step away from the Missus. 

"Ah! Lucia, my dear. How are you?" Missus Belo asked with a grin. She swatted the hairdresser and focused her attention on Lucia. "Have a seat beside me," she added. 

Lucia complied and sat on the nearest chair on the side. "You look radiant, Missus Belo," she said softly. 

"Thank you! Ah~ I just want to look more younger to make the other ladies jealous. I'll be having a birthday party next week. Would you like to come?" Missus Belo asked with hopeful eyes. She had been thinking of inviting Lucia and getting her closer to Daniel.