A new friend with a new year (oops did I just admission him in new year, which college have admissions in new year sorry just bear this small mistake with me)

It's a new year, a new member got selected 'the male one (don't judge me it's not like I want a new male friend it was the leader and the teachers). He is invited in our new year party which in the last became his welcoming party 😂. I think of bullying him but my seniors just glared at me like saying from their eyes "we didn't bullied you and now you can't" and I have to stop if I want to keep my guitarist position BUT I DON'T LIKE HIM CAUSE NOW I AM NO MORE THE YOUNGEST. The party started and we talk about different things and that's when the junior told me that he's doing theatre I'm impressed but I am not gonna show him then the food is served we enjoyed and as this became junior's welcome party he's gonna pay the best part of being a senior (I remember how much I paid for my senior's just because I want them to think I am one of them) he paid and we all get back to our places. My roommate open the door for me and start scolding for being too late I somehow calmed her down and didn't let her tell my parents. Oft just saved it's getting dark and dark and I can't fall asleep just thinking how the last year passed cause this year have lots of more problem to deal with as what I am doing last year is without a thought that I am not always gonna be a fresher and I not always have that much time to spare. But I felt asleep thinking that maybe somehow I am gonna make it but I don't know what's waiting for me as I am also a normal person who don't have superpowers to stop time.

Thank you for reading Sorry I didn't posted for so many days I got ill and have to take a blood test which came out as nothing so yeah I am feeling better and gonna post the next one soon Thank you so so much for reading and once again so sorry