After the punch Louis gave Wan he didn't wake up again. After the fight that occurred between Louis and Wan, Louis realised that all his mind skills that he think of it as his trick up sleeve couldn't be used on evil people, Louis now know he have to develop another group of skills if he wants to be in the good side.

Louis thought about Captain Philip and the rest he killed were good people that made his evil skills to work on them.

Others in Louis room were now scared of Louis because they thought a glue that could take Wan off with one punch could destroy their own life.

Today is the day lesson would start in the school, Freshmens are going up and down thinking about which class they would join. The defense academy offer different types of classes which are: The Elementary class for elements abilty users, the beasty class for people with supportive ability and those who are talented in martial arts, the creative class for creators or mainly for the Trii family and lastly, the Strategic class for people that loves scheming plans and people that organize schedules.

Louis has decided to join the beasty class, since people would be amazed if he joins the elementary class.


"There is different types of techniques and method to fight but today I would be teaching you the hand to hand combat" Sergeant Kim, the teacher in charge of training the students in the beasty class said

"In the hand to hand combat there is still different sector of fighting but the one I would be teaching you today is the budhha hand technique" Sergeant Kim said again.

Sergeant Kim displayed a skill with his hand, and the student in his class were amazed, he continued showing different types of skill with his hand and teaching the students how to do it.

While the lesson was going on, a students accidentally stepped on Louis feet, when Louis looked at the person and he discover it is Remmy one of his room mate

"Am..sorr..y" Remmy said shivering and shuttering

"No problem, why did you join the beasty class?" Louis said with a bright smile and happy face

Remmy was relived that Louis was not like Wan

"I want to concentrate in class maybe we can talk over lunch" Remmy said, not shivering like before

"Okay, then we would talk during lunch" Louis said, still with the happy face and bright smile"

After 3hours the beasty class ended and the students were told to go take lunch in the academy canteen before the General lesson for each freshmens start

Louis and Remmy went together to the Academy canteen to grab lunch together and also chit-chat together.

Louis and Remmy waited in the line that has been laid and they are waiting for their turn before they could get their food, while waiting some set of boys came when they saw the quee was long they were checking the wristwatch of the freshmens on the line and then they stopped when they saw Remmy wristwatch which was indicating beginer

"Hey brown boy, do you mind if we you go to the back so me and my friends could join the line from here" a boy who put on the academy uniform roughly said talking to Remmy

"No need nigga, that is a glue boy" one of the boys following the boy that spoke to Remmy said pointing his finger to Louis side

"Okay, hey glue boy do you mind" The boy that spoke to remmy said gesturing his hand for Louis to go to the back

"No, I can't, you know it would soon be my turn" Louis said with a sincere smile

"I was honest in the first line, I can be violent in the second line" The boy said again changing his facial expression

"Nigga why don't we treat the fuck up of this guy he seem stubborn" One of the boys friend said; preparing his fists

The boy that confronted Louis didn't say anything he just strech out his hand and an invincible force knock Louis off-balance making him fall to the ground

Louis didn't know what struck him but he knows it is an ability

[Evil flood activvated]

Louis activated one of his system skills on the boy that attacked him so he can regain posture


[Evil mind skills can't be used against evil people]

The message Louis saw when fighting against Wan come up again and his fear his becoming true

"I didn't know my gravity power is this weak, that a glue could resist before eventually falling" the boy that attacked Louis said, not knowing his power was not weak it is just that Louis is strong

Louis knew that he could win the fight, but he isn't ready to show his strength so he decided to let go of his stance he didn't want to create unwanted attention.

Louis stood up ready to leave before a unrecognized voice said to the students that attacked Louis

"Bullying is prohibited where am present" a boy said, charging towards the set of three boys at one.

Before Louis could even look at what is happening the three boys where down on their feet, two holding their belly and the last one holding his head

Louis didn't understand whats happening how a person could take on 3 of his colleaugue at a time
