Louis and Remmy didn't come to a conclusion but Louis has decided to report Commander Jose to the school authority, Remmy is still against the idea of reporting because he sees Commander Jose as a big fish that they might not handle…


A young flexible man is walking to an office with a can coffee in his hand, the man seems to be kind of famous everyone respects him and they are greeting him.

"Hey Lucas, you are extra late, I thought you were not coming today" A man in the same office said, the man is watching a horror movie in his computer

"I didn't want to come but my hunch was disturbing me telling me a case is coming our way today" the popular man named Lucas said

"I don't think anything is coming our way, your damn hunch has been saying the same for the past three months and nothing came our way" the man replied with a discerning look, he is concentrated on the movie he is watching

"Bet it dude, today is gonna be different" Lucas said


Louis and Remmy did their usual routine but during the general class today something different happened because a special announcement was made in class

"Today, it will be the continuation of the lesson we started yesterday, 'HOW TO IDENTIFY YOUR ENEMIES WEAKNESS' The lesson is broad so we are going to continue today" The teacher named Sergeant Prima in charge of taking the general class said. After few hours of theory and practical the general class would come to a halt. The student thought they would be dismissed but the teacher didn't dismiss them but he still stood on the podium

"I have an Emergency and special information to deliver" Sergeant Prima said, all the students that has already stood up sat down back to hear the special announcement

"The Major General, will be the one to anchor the general class tomorrow; so you should stop the making noise habit when he is around" Sergeant Prima said with a worrying and warning tone.

After the announcement the freshmen were dismissed from the hall, Louis and Remmy were walking together but it is an awkward moment; because the two freshmen didn't talk they were just walking

"Are you gonna follow me to the school authority sector" Louis finally said breaking the awkward silence

"Am… a…. am sorry, I might not--" Remmy didn't finish his statement before Louis barged in

"No problem, I understand your fears, am gonna go alone" Louis said, parting his way from Remmy


Lucas was in his office he was typing on his computer he look relaxed as if he is waiting for someone or something to come

"It almost the closing hour, your hunch still deceived you today" The man Lucas was talking to earlier said

"Am not sure but I still think something is gonna happen, and it will be big" Lucas said focusing on what he is typing

Louis was fast, as he was walking, in no time he arrived at the school authority sector and he didn't even enter with courtesy he just barged on the door

"Who is that fool?" the man talking to Lucas earlier said, in a furious tone

"Freshman Louis, beginner level, beasty department" Louis said, saluting the man; the defense academy act like the military so their rules is the same

"At ease, how can I be of help?" The man said with the serious look he has been wearing since Louis came inside

"I have been assaulted, threatened and bullied by a student, due the order a teacher gave him" Louis said in an alarming tone

"Do you know who gave the order" The man asked, interested in what Louis is saying

"Commander Jose" Louis said

'Lucas hunch was right today' the man thought…


Dear readers, it has been a while since I have updated a chapter, am not fully back but I will try to update every Sunday at least 5chapters, so stay tuned

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