The hostages captured where confined in the same place; inside a big room, in a jet chopper.

"I have a suggestion" Caroline said to her friends; she was the only one that was very nasty about escaping

"What is it this time, you have given several suggestions that was out of line that would just end our lives" Remmy said with disgust and unhappiness, but one could know why he was unhappy it was because of Louis

"You know Ridwan ability can make us disappear, so if he makes us disappear then we can easily escape without problem" Caroline said feeing achieved by the way she thinks

"Hmm… but I don't think my MC cell in enough to take the three of us out of here, you know MC point is limited" Ridwan said with disappointment in his face

"Don't worry about that, we can flee once we are near the escape door" Caroline said to assure Ridwan

"Okay, I hope this plan won't be the end of us" Remmy said with the same face he was wearing before

They wanted to put their imagination into reality before two demons suddenly brought a girl that was on a stretcher pulling the stretcher into the room, they left again

"Wait isn't that Clara" Remmy said; he was the first person to notice who was on the stretcher

"I think it the bi---" Caroline said; she didn't get to complete her statement because of the gaze Remmy casted on her

They all crawled to the stretcher and their assumption was right; it was Clara that was on the stretcher

"Hey Clara what is wrong?" Remmy questioned but Clara didn't reply; even her face was not like a healthy human own.

They waited for minutes but Clara couldn't talk she was using her face to gesticulate for them but they couldn't get what she meant

"Hey, we have to proceed with our plan" Caroline reminded them

"Am not leaving without Clara" Remmy said

Caroline couldn't argue because Remmy was part of those that could fight if they were to run into any type of beast

"Okay fine, we will go with her" Caroline said