Ben goes to Kiko's office desperate and says undead zombies are coming our way. Kiko immediately goes into action. They are in a hurry to reach their destination, it takes them ten minutes to get there, and they are forced to walk through the forest. When the zombies appear on the edge of the forest Kevin runs forward and blocks them from coming any further, pushing them back in the woods. Kiko jumps over the wall to the other side, and he turns to run towards the building. Ben jumps over the wall after him and follows.
When the zombies enter the building Kevin throws them out the windows. Kiko goes inside to check it out. As he's searching through the basement, he hears noises. He rushes outside, yelling 'Ben! Come here! It' s a zombie!' Ben quickly gets to the basement stairs and goes inside.
Kevin stands at the window looking out into the forest, he sees a few of the infected running through the forest towards the church. He closes the curtains tightly, blocking the sun out of his eyes.
"What do we do?" Ben asks nervously.
"We gotta get the rest of the villagers together, the ones we can trust. They know about this thing already. Maybe they can help us."
"Okay," Ben agrees.
"How did the zombies get in anyway? There mustn't be anyone near here for a long time yet."
"There may have been. It would be easy for them to sneak through the forest unnoticed without being noticed."
"Maybe we'll get lucky and those zombies won't be able to get in. Let's hurry and get the others."
They both hurry downstairs into the basement and call everyone gathered together. Everyone comes except Kevin, Ben and Riko, but they are quick to gather around.
"We need a strategy," Kiko says once everyone has arrived, "I think the best one is to go to the next village over. The next town is a lot bigger, maybe we can find the people we can trust there."
Everyone nods, agreeing to the idea. But Kevin shakes his head.
"Kevin?" Ben asks hesitantly. "Why are you shaking your head?"
"No, no way. That place isn't safe. What if there's someone there that wants to hurt me?" Kevin looks away from the group and clenches his jaw tight. "That guy killed my mom, I shouldn' t want to put myself in danger."
Ben sighs. "This isn't just about him killing your mom. There's more than one way to kill someone, Kevin. And I know what you mean by safe. We can't let ourselves be captured by a stranger."
"You know this person killed my mother, it's my right to protect myself."
Kiko steps in. "Kevin you know that that's not true. The only people who tried to capture us were people we trusted the most."
"Exactly, so if it's not safe to stay there then its safer to stay here."
"I'm sorry Kevin, but I still don't agree with your logic," Kiko sighs frustratedly. "You're stubborn, and I respect you, but sometimes you're stupid, Kevin."
Ben snickers at Kiko's remark, "Yeah, Kiko's right. No offense, but you're really stupid sometimes."
Kevin glares at the two boys, and then looks away. He walks up to the altar and stares at the crosses hanging from the ceiling. His mind flashes back to when Kevin saw one of the crosses falling off. He remembers his father telling him that the priest carved it to honor Kevin and his mother. Kevin shivers remembering the horrible feeling when the statue fell. He wishes that it never happened again.
"Don' t worry Kev, I won' t let anything happen to you, okay?" Kiko's words calm down Kevin's anxiety. Kevin turns his gaze to the young blond boy. "Now lets get to work!" Kiko grabs a shovel and starts to dig up dirt on the ground beside them.
"Um.." Ben glances at Kiko and at Kevin.