

Chapter 14: The Secret Truth

For the majority of his life, Kelwarin was used to seeing people die every single year – that didn't mean that he enjoyed it. Sure, there had been plenty of occasions where people died in the past, but for him personally it meant a whole lot less. The difference between people dying during the winter and during spring was like the difference between a fire and the ocean.

If you wanted to see people dead in the winter, you could walk into an inn and pay half a hundred gold coins for a room. If you wanted to see people dead in the summer, you could take advantage of a lake nearby and go swimming. At least in the summer, you wouldn't have to worry about getting sick and having to stay indoors due to the heat. In the middle of summer, however, you'd never expect to hear the cries of men begging for their lives, as they lay helplessly on the ground with a knife sticking out of their chest, their blood pooling beneath them, covering the entire field.

However, that didn't mean that his life had ever been without tragedy. Of course not! The only thing that made things a bit easier was that almost everyone he saw dead had been killed when trying to steal from some merchant on their way back from the nearest town. Those types of robberies were common among the lower class people, but that didn't give him the best view on humanity. They lived off the land, relying solely upon whatever crops or animals they could hunt.

Most of the lower classes hadn't even bothered learning how to read, or write for that matter, and it had become their downfall. Most of them didn't even possess the money necessary to buy basic necessities and were forced to rely on their own ingenuity.

Even so, there was little that could be done about it. Their poverty was inevitable and that was simply that.

Kelwarin glanced down at the ground before quickly looking upwards once again. The sound of footsteps approaching caught his attention before a familiar form entered his vision. He took notice of the small black pouch attached to Rellin's belt, followed closely by the familiar silver chain.


As the blonde began to stand up from her kneeling position, he reached out, taking her wrist gently as a silent signal to remain seated. She remained still for a moment, allowing him to take in the sight in front of him.

She wasn't looking directly at him - though, she couldn't deny that she was very much tempted to do so. Every time she saw him, a mixture of anger and confusion would wash through her veins. And, for quite some time now, she'd had the urge to throw herself into his arms and cry her heart out. Yet, somehow, she had managed to control those urges… For some reason. All she knew was that she didn't want to hurt him. But, in doing so… Would her pain and anger cause him to leave her forever? Was there any hope left in them? Or was she doomed to live the rest of her life alone?

"Morning," Kelwarin said quietly, breaking the silence.

She didn't react, continuing to watch him as he continued staring at her silently. After a brief moment of silence passed, she finally responded, "Mornin'."

Her words lacked her usual cheeriness. Instead, she sounded lifeless and flat, as if nothing was worth celebrating today.

He gave her hand a light squeeze before letting go of it and rising to his feet. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

She nodded slightly before averting her gaze to look down at the floor. "Yes. Thank you."

He shrugged. "I've slept better on my own. Besides, your mother's room was next to mine."

She looked up and met his eyes momentarily, a faint hint of a smile appearing on her face, although it vanished as fast as it appeared. Still, it was something. "So, you went out to get a drink, then?" she questioned him. Her words were soft; unlike before, they were spoken without the slightest hint of resentment.

"Yeah, I needed some air."

"You're sure that you don't want me to accompany you?"

"Absolutely!" Kelwarin replied without hesitation. "Besides, I'm not completely convinced that you'd actually allow me to get away with leaving you here alone. I've seen how you are with those two."

Tallulah smiled weakly. He may not have admitted it, but she knew that there was always a hidden message in what he was saying. The fact that her mother hadn't stopped him from leaving told her more about his intentions than anything. "That's true…" she conceded.

"Anyway, you're probably wondering why I came up. Actually… Well… You know how we talked last night?"

"Of course," she replied softly, lowering her head.

Kelwarin walked closer to the edge of the balcony and peered across the landscape. He could feel that she was watching him closely as he gazed out at the scene before him. After a few moments, Kelwarin finally spoke. "I should get going…" he said as he started to turn away. However, before he could get too far, Tallulah interrupted him.

"Wait!" she called out.

He paused in his tracks and waited for her to speak. When she finally did, her voice was barely audible. "Do you remember… what we discussed?"

For a split second, Kelwarin wondered whether she was referring to that previous conversation or something else entirely. However, he couldn't think of anything she could possibly have been referring to. She'd only mentioned that she missed him a couple of days earlier... Hadn't she already gone home? Was there something else she wanted to talk about? Was she going to tell him to stop seeing her? Should he stop visiting her? Was he supposed to ask her what exactly that "something else" she wished to discuss was? What would she say? What would he say? How did things get so awkward between them so suddenly?

"What conversation would that be? Did you forget about it already?" Kelwarin asked with raised eyebrows. He chuckled awkwardly before adding, "You know, there aren't many things that I'd remember, especially when I spent most of the last week sleeping..."

This only made her frown. "No…"

Silence ensued.

Tallulah stared off into the distance, occasionally glancing down at the grass below her feet as she contemplated her thoughts, Tallulah see a letter next to your pe, Tallulah pick up the letter and read, the letter says, hello Tallulah be reading it means you be dead I sent 100k zombies and your direction and no use running away and get all the supplies I stole all the Supremes when you weren't looking I'm already at sea going to a desert island goodbye Tallulah, signed Kelwarin, Tallulah was shocked and gaping Bhow Kelwarin could have cheated on her after everything they two went through together, Tallulah looked back and saw that Kelwarin had disappeared. She let out a sigh before closing the book she was holding. "I just don't understand," she muttered angrily. "I thought he loved me…"

100k of zombies were going and heading to Tallulah to eat her whole body and then spit out bones, Tallulah turned around to find that a horde of zombies were surrounding her. Tallulah screamed as she ran towards one zombie, only to realize that it had no intention of attacking her. Instead, it simply stood there, waiting for her to finish reading the letter.Tallulah kept reading the letter, the letter says I if you're reading the letter still know that I stole your strength and your movements you'll never move again. There's also a dagger in the bottom right corner and a note telling you how you can kill yourself. Goodbye, Tallulah.

Tallulah lowered the letter in disbelief, unable to believe what she had read. Her eyes widened, her mouth formed into an 'O' shape, and her breath began to quicken. It felt like her world had been tipped upside down. Tears slowly began to fall from her eyes as she clutched the letter tightly against her chest. "How can I…" she whispered softly. "Oh, god, how…"

the zombie suddenly bite Tallulah's arm, Tallulah try to fight back but realizes that her body does not move as the zombie continues to gnaw at her skin. "Guh… Gahah!" she screams in terror. 200k of zombies goes up Tallulah wanting to eat alive, the zombie starts chewing your leg, another zombie starts chewing your chest another zombie starts chewing your face the zombie starts ripping your arms off and eating the other zombies head, hands, and legs all over your body. Your screams become louder. "Help!"

you scream. "Please save me! Help!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!"

but no one hears her screams as all the zombies surround you. They start tearing off your flesh and devouring everything in their path. You continue screaming. "PLEASE… I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!"

but no one hears her cries. The only thing that reaches her is the sound of her blood dripping onto the stone ground. "Please!" she shouts desperately. "I'm begging you! Don't die!! Please!" but no one hears her pleas.

Your screams eventually reach deafening levels as you're covered in gore, blood, zombies start eating as Tirbas of Tallulah and their meat lethally taste of your blood as they tear into your flesh and tear apart your rib cage and lungs, Tallulah cough as Tallulah inhale your blood and vomit it out, Tallulah gasp for air as you choke on blood as your entire body becomes stiff and limp. They rip into Tallulah until all that' remains of you is dust mixed with your blood and your clothes. They devour your skeleton, they devour your muscles, they devour your organs, they devour your brain, they devour Tallulah teeth, they devour all of the bone marrow in Tallulah body and even your bones, Tallulah die with no one knowing that you've died.

Kelwarin being on the boat sailed pars a desert island, Kelwarin look to the sky and says it was a big mistake to trust min Tallulah too much, but Kelwarin doesn't blame her because she knows that he wouldn't be able to live a day without her either, Kelwarin watches her leave the ship and walk into the water as the ships sails away. Kelwarin feels the wind ruffle his hair, the sun's rays beating down on his back, Kelwarin says I have my reasons for making the horde of zombies kill you Tallulah, Kelwarin says tengo my motive, sit in the chair on the boat sailed on the water and Kelwarin see the sun, Kelwarin smile at the sun.