Chapter 8: Winners and Sinners, part 1

"Aren't you coming?" asked Vik already tired of this. The chain felt heavier every time, mainly due to her patience levels decreasing at an alarming rate

"We don't have all day you know!" said Vikaya

"Actually, we do" said Zar "Time behaves differently here, so we do have all day, everyday"

"What?!" exclaimed Vik throwing away the chain frustrated "How is that possible?"

"Time doesn't exist beyond the realm of Earth. You see, existence is just existence taking part in the ever-changing cycle of the Omniverse" said Zar

"But what about other planets?" asked Vikaya

"Do you believe there is life on other planets?" asked Zar surprised

"Of course there is!" said Vikaya

"Well, then you are few of the sensible ones. Well, time behaves differently on each planet" said Zar "It depends on which realm they belong"

"Wow!" said Vikaya and sat down amazed "So how long have you existed? Can you sense the passing of time?"

"I am…" he paused to recall and calculate "I have existed since what you humans call the 11th century"

"Ooh Wakuza!" exclaimed Vikaya loudly staring at Zar her eyes almost popping out like lids of pop soda bottles

"It must have been difficult" said Vikaya "I am sorry you couldn't pass over"

The Hhital nodded "It is hard sometimes. Existing between passing time and time being non-existent"

"Alright" said Zar brushing away the current forlorn energy "Let's begin Super Cop"

Vikaya brushed off her pants and picked up the chain again

"Let's go!" said Vikaya

"So this is the story of a sharp Prince and his clever friend, the son of the Chief Minister" began Zar happily

'I guess he wanted to be a storyteller' Vikaya smiled before being transported to another time and place

The story begins in a warm and green land. A small kingdom with a good-hearted king and opulent, happy public. The king was smart but his son was smarter. Same was the case with the Chief Minister, he was clever but his son was more. Both these younger and better version of them were best friends

"Let's make sure of the tiger population in our kingdom" said Rupza, the Chief Minister's son

"Sure" said Zio, the Prince

With some huffs and puffs they settled down on a large, comfortable tree and were ready to take note of all tigers in the forest

The tree overlooked a beautiful pond, which was the main water supply of the animals. A tiger stopped by to quench his thirst

"Wait…oh no!" exclaimed Zio urgently "That woman is just a few feet away from the tiger!"

With a shaking bolt he landed on the ground, directly jumping from the branch

"Wait!" yelled Rupza carefully climbing down the tree. He won't lose his senses just because his friend does

With careful, silent steps they quickly moved towards the large pond but were shocked when the woman saw them. She immediately gestured them to back off

"Huh?" said the prince

"Let's wait and see" said Rupza

They watched, alert on all fours, to run ahead and scare the tiger as soon as he even thinks of making a move. The tiger couldn't care less about the human affairs. He completed drinking the water and paused. The men were ready but the woman still showed them her palm

The tiger stared at the woman, the woman sat still. She breathed out and smiled and waved at the tiger. The tiger moved his neck to reply to her and went on his face

The men were stupefied. Their eyes a already popped out and their brains were not flapping around on the ground out of shock. The sweet woman signaled them that every thing is fine and to go on their own way. But these boys weren't going to listen

They walked over to the woman

"Wow! That was amazing!" said Zio, a clear fan of this young woman

"What is your name?" he asked

The woman smiled, picked a Camellia flower from a bush and pointed it to herself. The men looked at each other, confused

"Where do you live?" asked Rupza

The woman looked visibly at a loss. She sighed and finally pointed to her ear and made a fish from her hands

"What do you do?" asked Zio

The girl pointed at her teeth. Rupza was having fun seeing these to and fro of unique conversation

"Where is she?" a loud voice was heard from the farther end of the forest

The woman got up in a fright and ran away. Those loud voices came closer

Cruel men riding horses approached the pond

"Did you find her?" yelled a commanding noise from the centre of these hooligans

"Excuse me mister!" yelled the Prince "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"How dare you?" said the arrogant man in the front "We are from the Kingdom of-" he began

"What seems to be the issue young man?" asked the one who commanded them coming to the front

"This area is not open to outsiders. Only the residents of Kingdom of Luxuria are allowed in the forest. And if you are here to hunt, then you will be charged and punished. Hunting animals is a crime in Luxuria" declared the Prince ready to arrest these hooligans

"We did not know that. We were here to hunt however we didn't do anything before something urgent came up. We will leave now" he said and signaled his men to leave

Thee horses trotted ahead and Rupza heard "But Your Majesty" before the man was sushed

"So that man was the King, my guess was right" he said

He turned to find his friend in a lost gaze

"They left" he said

"They better, if they had shot a single arrow in my forest I would have skinned them" said the Prince and gave a long sigh

"What is the matter with you?" asked Rupza surprised

"I think I am in love" said Zio

"Already?" chuckled Rupza but was shot with a glare from Zio

"What was she trying to tell me?" asked Zio

"Her name is Camellia, she is from Herring and she is a dentist" said Rupza in one breath

Zio turned his head violently to look at his friend with delight. He almost sprained his neck

"How?" asked Zio

"I have got more this than you!" teased Rupza pointing to his head

"Hair? Skull? Dandruff?" Zio teased him back

In just a few days they arrived at the large Kingdom of Herring, trying to find the girl with the recipe of instant love

"This kingdom is ten times the size of ours" said Rupza

"Yeah, but look at its condition" remarked Zio

There were more suffering and poor citizens than the ones with comfortable lives

"This king is incompetent" declared Zio

But alas, this statement proved to be dangerous for the boys

"You curse the king in His kingdom!" yelled a man coming out of the dark alley

The King had appointed secret guards to check who's badmouthing him. It is crime to curse the King in Herring

The boys were dragged to the palace court

The minimum punishment for badmouthing the King in the Kingdom of Herring is 7 years.