Chapter 12: Saarya’s choice, part 2

The vicious demon stomped his feet on the ground and their car hopped like a tiny ant

"Stay inside everyone!" yelled Saarya jumping out of the car

Shuffling her pockets she fished out a sleek box-like object. She tapped on it thrice and it immediately turned into a large rifle. She aimed it at the demon

The demon laughed "That's not gonna hurt me"

Saarya fired it and to her dismay the demon was right. It couldn't even scratch him

She tapped on her rifle and swiped it and changed it to a large machine gun with revolving barrels. Setting it firmly on the ground, she smirked at the demon and pressed it. The gun fired with full speed, its power seemed enough to shred a forest

The demon was shocked at the impact of this weapon but still it didn't affect him much. It only pushed him away 2 steps back

Saarya sighed, she tapped on her weapon again and it turned into a bow and arrow

The demon snickered

Saarya took a deeped breath in and shot the arrow which was aimed straight for his eye and it landed there perfectly, hitting at the centre.

"OW!" he yelled and stomped his feet

"Did you forget about blue lace agate and rosemary?" she said to him

"Rosemary?" said the demon "That does nothing to me"

"I know" said Saarya "I just like its smell so I add it"

"You tiring wench!" yelled the demon and stepped ahead. Before Saarya could duck and hide, his slimy grey fingers grabbed her

"Enough! You are coming with me now" he said, his stinky breath almost took Saarya's life

As he turned, a swirling sword came flying and lodged into his neck

"Ah!" he yelled and pulled out sword

Something flew out of thin air and landed on the giant and slashed him with a sword in several places. The demon shook with pain and his grip on Saarya loosened. She squirmed out of his fist and with the support of his body, she jumped down and landed on the ground safely

The mysterious portal was still open and the demon was struggling but he was back in his senses again

"Who was that?!" he yelled

Eyes filled with rage and limbs filled with immeasurable power and violence the demon searched desperately, he turned around but a piercing pain sent shock through his body

"AHH!" he yelled

A man hung on to his back holding onto a sword in one hand which was stabbed into the back of the vile demon. Saarya ran ahead, changing her weapon again, turning it into a large blade machete. The blade shimmered blue anointed with blue lace agate

With one smooth stroke she forced it into the demon's feet which made him jump and quiver with pain. The glanced at the man above who gave her a slight nod. He pulled out his sword and stabbed him again. This was enough for their plan

The demon was too close to the portal now with no strength in his body this was enough to suck back into the cyclonic waves sending him back to where he came from

The man had got away on time and now stood there watching the portal close up while the demon yelled with agony and rage

"Thank you" said Saarya walking upto him "You did good"

The man turned and smiled "A woman can take on the world that wants to suppress her power by herself but that doesn't mean she has to" he said keeping away his weapon

More words could have been exchanged before Saarya's family came running towards them yelling, screaming and crying

'This was going to be a long soap opera episode' thought Saarya and it should be

Saarya was back now, safe and sound and wasn't allowed to leave her family's sight. Each one of them took watch

"Guys please!" she said "I have to go and meet someone"

"I will come with you!" immediately said her mum

"I have to go and meet a guy and I brought my mom along, perfect!" sneered Saarya

After much struggle the tug of war ended in a tie

"Message me every 10 mins!" her mom commanded

Saarya happily hopped out of the house and reached a park. Jay stood there and Saarya tiptoes ahead and hugged him from behind

"Hey babe!" he said "Oh thank god you came back in one piece"

They had a long hug and a sweet kisses and talked while walking around the park

"I need to know one thing, I need some clarity" said Saarya

Jay waited for her to continue. Saarya took a deep breath in, her throat shook before she uttered those words fearing the worst

"We have been doing this for a while but I want to know what are we, how do you see us?" she asked

Jay paused then finally said "Well, you are very special to me" he said

Saarya smiled "You are too"

Saarya came back with a bruised heart although her connection with Jay continued she knew this wasn't what her heart wanted

The days went by and Saarya's feeling were complicating into a mess. Well, her feelings were clear, it was her own thoughts and defending herself to feel a certain way made things worse for her

One day a surprising guest visited her house

"Ahh welcome to our house Tae!" said her father smiling brightly. Tae handed them a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box

"I brought a small cake for dessert. I hope that's alright" he said

A guy that appreciates sweet, the family was happy! Tae was the guy that helped ward off the demon that day and of course Saarya parents dug up everything about him and invited to dinner. FBI, secret organizations and intelligence agencies were created by nosy and passionate parents

After spending an evening with dinner and a lot of talks Saarya and Tae found each other to be very intriguing

"So you mixed chilli powder with blue lace?" asked Saarya wide-eyed

"It burns everything and everyone! No exception! So why not use it to our advantage" said Tae

"Wow!" said Saarya impressed. Saarya's family watched this in astonishment. It was a rare sight, Saarya being impressed by someone!

The two of them talked for a while, exchanging interesting things and topics most of which was laughter and humor

"You should see more of him" said his father as the the father daughter saw him drive off

Days went by and Saarya wasn't happy in the situation with Jay, but her temporary feelings of "love" for him made him stay. She wished things would change

"What they tell vs how they act. Believe their words rather their actions"

This was the advice of social media when she scrolled through it mindlessly however the advice had weight

"If a guy tells you he doesn't want to be in a relationship or doesn't want to put a 'label' on things but his actions shows that he cares for you. Believe what his words rather than actions"

This struck a cord within Saarya and her inner lens towards Jay began to shift

Heading out for errands one day Saarya saw a guy walk towards their house. Suspicious of everyone and everything she watched him from the side then suddenly approached him when he stood in front of their gate

"Excuse me, who are you?" she asked standing behind him

"Umm I am Moyo" he said

"What are you doing here Mr. Moyo?" she asked

"Umm.." Moyo was short at words with this sudden interrogation

"I live in this house" said Saarya

"Oh you must be Saarya" said Moyo "I am San's friend" he said

Saarya still had a twisted eye brow. She opened the door

"San! Come here! Someone's here to meet you" she called

San her brother came

"Oh Moyo! Come on in" he said

"Dee, this is Moyo he is an aeronautical engineer! He's showing me his prototype!" said San excited

Saarya nodded and turned to leave

"Would you like to join us?" asked Moyo

Saarya thought for a moment

"Sure" she said and went to join them

Designing, prototyping, testing with various shapes and materials it was interesting to see the thought behind building an aircraft. A machine that proved naysayers' limited thinking wrong

"That takes a lot of work! But it looks interesting" said Saarya

"Not all the time. It's a lot of work when I force myself to do it but when I want to then I don't even know when the day passes by" said Moyo

Th siblings nodded

"I will take my leave, you guys should enjoy" said Saarya and left

Moyo wanted to stop and ask her something but nothing came out of his mouth

Saarya completed her errands and checked her texts. Jay and San had messaged her. Her feelings towards Jay had clouded, she was ignoring his messages

"Moyo wants to meet you again, shall I give him your number?" texted San

But before Saarya could even think about it a loud scream grabbed her attention. She turned in a panic only to find a large looming figure emerging

"Sorry to just drop by" said the demon "Did you miss me?"

"Why do have a good humor man?" yelled Saarya

"I know you and your family thought about me every single day and here I am!" said the demon and grabbed Saarya even though she had vanished from the scene. Nothing is really hidden when you are that large

"Abducted by demon!" Saarya yelled on the call with her mom before being taken across realms through the portal