Hey, Are You A Transfer Student?

"Good! As expected of our class belle! How ambitious!" Her best friend applauded cooperatively.

The more Xing Miaomiao was praised, the more excited she became. "I want to get into a good university, then Luo Feng will drop out of the rankings and be in a lousy job. I'll make him a toad who can't eat swan meat forever."

"That's right!" Her best friend chimed in hot-bloodedly. "He still dares to date in his third year of high school. He's clearly courting death. It's a good opportunity for him to pull down Ai Tingya's results. Our sister group will be in the top few!"

The two of them held a private Oath-Taking Rally in an empty classroom, as if they could already see a good future for themselves.

Xing Miaomiao jumped up in high spirits and said, "Let's go and ask the teacher for some study materials. I'm going to finish five papers when I get back tonight!"