Someone Confessed to Ai Tingya!

It was already autumn when she got close to Luo Feng last semester. Everyone was wearing long sleeves.

Ai Tingya didn't expect Luo Feng's figure to be so good. Her hands that were gradually warming up could feel the tight muscles on his waist. It seemed like she could even feel the defined shape of Luo Feng's muscles.

She was suddenly curious about what Luo Feng looked like under his clothes.

Ai Tingya mustered up her courage and slowly moved her hand under Luo Feng's clothes to his abdomen, unable to resist her curiosity.

It felt like a chessboard. Ai Tingya pinched it in disbelief.

"Pfft." Luo Feng laughed at the punch.

This was a classroom after all. It was too outrageous to laugh out loud.

He resisted the itch and pressed down on Ai Tingya's hand to warn her. "Don't move."