Use Your Body to Pay Your Debt, I Won't Take Anything Else

"Run, continue running." Luo Feng kept panting.

He hurriedly went to look for Ai Tingya as soon as the Oath-Taking Rally ended. Unexpectedly, she ran away like a mouse seeing a cat when she saw him. It was not easy for him to corner her.

Luo Feng opened his arms and trapped Ai Tingya in a corner.

"I won't eat you, why are you running?" Luo Feng laughed.

Ai Tingya's face was as red as a tomato. Her eyes were darting around in panic and she didn't dare to look Luo Feng in the eye. She has been too bold on stage just now thinking about it now.

"Do you know how many brain cells I lost to make up for your confession? How are you going to make it up to me?" Luo Feng leaned close to Ai Tingya and blew into her ear.

Ai Tingya felt that she was about to melt from the heat and could not say a word.

She then took out an envelope from her pocket and shyly stuffed it into Luo Feng's arms.