Luo Feng's Tutoring Rules

"Will listening for an hour really help me improve my results?" Ai Tingya asked doubtfully.

She knew that Luo Feng's comprehension ability was very good. He could memorize all the knowledge in the book and use it to do questions. However, having good grades didn't mean that he could teach people. To be able to understand in an hour was a bit of an exaggeration.

"You can add more if you think an hour isn't enough. You can just stay at my place if it gets too late, my home is able to accommodate you." smiled Luo Feng.

They were eventually going to get married anyway, so it didn't matter if they lived under the same roof.

Ai Tingya heard the evil thoughts in Luo Feng's head and thought for a bit before saying, "Sure, but wait for me to get ready. How about I go to your place tomorrow night?"

Was she going to prepare toiletries? Actually there was no need. He had everything at home.