Let Darling Teach You How to Open a Milk Tea Shop

Dean Du sat alone at the desk in the room, holding her forehead in sadness after sending Luo Feng off that night.

Ai Tingya was worried about Dean Du so walked to her room worriedly after she got the other children to sleep.

"Xiaoya? Come in and sit."

Ai Tingya had just stood in front of the door when Dean Du's tired voice came from inside.

Ai Tingya pushed open the door. "Dean, you're still awake?"

Dean Du shook her head and said, "Sit. I have something to tell you."

Dean Du had not slept well ever since the original cake shop changed owners. She was in a very bad state, like a piece of decayed tree bark that would collapse at any time.

Ai Tingya's heart ached for the Dean, but she was too weak to help.

The two of them sat facing each other for a while before Dean Du said faintly, "Luo Feng told me about his thoughts on the dessert shop after dinner today."