You Promised To Wear It For Me!

In Luo Feng's memory, Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yu have never gotten along. Perhaps it was because the two of them are similar in age and experience, the competitive awards will always collide.

In addition, the two of them were both form teachers. The class they were in charge of was only separated by a wall, so it was inevitable that they would secretly compete seriously.

Luo Feng was originally wondering why his teacher suddenly wanted him to tutor the entire class. However, he immediately understood when he saw Teacher Zhang's arrogant appearance.

"Teacher Yu, are you mobilizing your classmate Ai Tingya again?" Teacher Zhang teased. "Ai Tingya is already working very hard. Don't give the student too much pressure. The other students might need more guidance."

In other words— Why are you so biased? You only look at those with good results and don't see those with bad results.