I Love Him, So I Can't Owe Him

The first day of business ended in chaos.

"Four Seasons Spring Tea, 32 cups."

"Taro Boba Milk Green, 25 cups."

"Hundred Fragrances Trio, 11 cups."

Ai Tingya leaned on the table and checked the receipts one by one. The more she read, the deeper her frown became. Luo Feng sat beside her and looked at her with his face propped up.

"I've calculated it." Ai Tingya sighed.

"How many did we earn?" The others surrounded her, thinking that it should be a large sum since there were so many people today!

"1,263 yuan," Ai Tingya said with a pout.

That figure was far from what she had expected. Adding rent, utilities, raw materials and labor costs together, they would not break even without 2,000 yuan of revenue a day.

"That's all…" Ai Tingya said discouraged.