The Tug-and-Pull War Between The Recruitment Teachers

Luo Feng had just sent Lei Jin and his mother away when Ai Tingya appeared at the door after dinner.

Luo Feng quickly pulled her into the house. "You would have made it in time for dinner if you arrived 10 minutes earlier. Why did you bring the suitcase?"

Ai Tingya was holding a brand new suitcase in her hand. The film on the outside had yet to be torn open, and she was holding a paper bag in her other hand. She handed the suitcase and the paper bag to Luo Feng.

"It's a gift from the Dean. I wanted to see you, so I brought it for you," Ai Tingya said with a smile.

Luo Feng opened it and found that the paper bag contained a sheet set, a thermos, and a new set of headphones. They were all things used in university and were very practical.

"Thank the Dean for me. I like them very much."

Luo Feng held Ai Tingya's hand and entered the house. Seeing this, Mother Luo quickly asked if Ai Tingya had eaten yet.