Everyone's Blessing

Luo Feng jumped down from the stage and ran to Ai Tingya's side under the sunlight.

"Why are you crying?" Luo Feng brushed Ai Tingya's ear hair and held her face tenderly.

Ai Tingya held a large bouquet of flowers and couldn't reach out to hug Luo Feng even if she wanted to. She cried so hard that she couldn't speak. She could only shake her head repeatedly, wanting to express how happy she was at this moment.

"I'm really… really… grateful…" Ai Tingya cried until she was out of breath. The surrounding students were so anxious that they wanted to be her mouth.

"I know, I know." Luo Feng hugged Ai Tingya and protected the back of her head with his hand. He patted her back with heartache, "We still have a lot of time. I'll listen to you slowly. You can tell me for the rest of your life."

"Yes!" Ai Tingya nodded solemnly.

"We want to listen in too!" A group of people suddenly said sourly.