Arriving At University, The Phone Number The Senior Left Behind

The school promotion banquet could be said to be the liveliest scene Luo Feng had seen in his two lifetimes. Other than a few relatives who were not present for special reasons, the others who should have come were all here. Even the distant relatives that Luo Feng's parents did not remember traveled thousands of kilometers to send their blessings.

After all, being the top scorer of the college entrance examination with more than 700 points was an honor that could be written on the family tree!

The family, relatives, and friends gathered together and finished their meal happily.

Father Luo even took out his treasured vault and brought his relatives who were not in a hurry to go home around Crown City to buy some local specialties for them.

Luo Xiaorui hovered around Ai Tingya every day during the few days she stayed in Crown City.