Unable To Withstand The Temptation, An Awkward Chance Encounter

The next day, in front of Good Me's milk tea shop.

Wang Chen and his roommate met again. The two of them stood at the door and stared at each other like two statues. They hesitated and wanted to walk into the shop, but they did not want to walk in front of each other.

"Didn't you say you went to the library?" his roommate asked.

"Didn't you go drink a man's drink?" Wang Chen asked.



"I'm here to see the goddess," Wang Chen said stubbornly. "I went back last night and thought about it. How could the beautiful goddess be wrong?"

"…I was going to the tavern, but it was too early and the place wasn't open yet. I… came here mindlessly." His roommate's mouth was even tougher than his.

Wang Chen might have believed it if not for the fact that he was holding a promotional leaflet for the new milk tea product.