Delighted To Obtain A Skill Card, Employees Are Also Upgraded

Ai Tingya was rarely so speechless.

The competitors had already begun to burn money but Luo Feng had yet to give up on buying a building. She had been trying her best to save money, but she could not save up a building no matter what.

"Stop joking. I'm talking serious business with you!" Ai Tingya rolled her eyes at Luo Feng. "What are we going to rely on to compete if you spent your money on the building?"

Luo Feng shook his head unfathomably, indicating that she did not understand his ingenious intentions.

Price wars were the most common method of capitalism. First, wash away the opponents who lacked funds and the pricing would be up to them when they become the dominating one surviving.

While it was very difficult for any one brand in the milk tea industry to dominate, Luo Feng might be the first to be eliminated if he did not have enough funds.

Luo Feng was preparing for the future.