They're Poaching People, We're Poaching People Too!

The business culture of Good Me's milk tea shop was to treat guests as if they were at home. No matter who came to the shop, they had to receive them warmly. As soon as the competing employees who came to defect sat down, Xiao Fei called for the employees to serve milk tea.

However, they were about to die from anxiety so they took a small sip and could not taste anything. They stared straight at Luo Feng.

"How about this? You can try it out in the shop for a month. During this period, you will be treated the same as the other employees." Luo Feng felt that if they were here to infiltrate, wouldn't it be meaningless to have so many people? If they really left their original work and came over, he wouldn't want to disappoint them.

However, he had to be vigilant and not let others play him for nothing. He added, "But in a month, you have to be evaluated by the employees in the shop. If you pass, you can continue to stay. Are you willing?"